lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

DEPORTATIONS must be stopped immediately!

CLOSE TO TWO million  people have been deported during the last three  years.  The detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants continues to increase under the current  Administration.

Deportees, especially those deported in the late hours of the night,  face hunger, illness, inclement weather and victimization by criminal elements at points of deportation where they have no friends or relatives or other support networks to provide them humane treatment until they are able to get back on their own two feet.   Deportations increase their risk of becoming the victims of assault,rape,kidnapping, police brutality and other vulnerabilities given the lack of shelters, humane societies, etc.;

Our families are being divided and thousands of U.SA children are suffering because they are  left without their fathers or mothers. These are the same children who are asked to  recite the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in our public schools.
California Governor
President of the United States
California State Senate
California State House
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives

CLOSE TO TWO million people have been deported during the last three years. The detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants continues to increase under your Administration.

Deportees, especially those deported in the late hours of the night, face hunger, illness, inclement weather and victimization by criminal elements at points of deportation where they have no friends or relatives or other support networks to provide them humane treatment until they are able to get back on their own two feet.

Deportations increase their risk of becoming the victims of assault, rape, kidnapping, police brutality and other vulnerabilities given the lack of shelters, humane societies, etc.

Therefore, we the undersigned urge you, as the Nobel Peace laureate (2009) to show your compassion and leadership with one small token of good will. Please, pass an Executive Order to stop immediately all deportations and consider a humane comprehensive immigration reform, as promised. Our families are being divided and thousands of U.S.A children are suffering because they are left without their fathers or mothers. These are the same children who are asked to recite the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in our public schools: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Please, don't deceive them and reunite their families!

itsmnaia pineda platero

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