domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

Itsmania Platero consideradas por la organización internacional Reporteros Sin Fronteras (RSF) como dos de las cien heroínas y héroes que defienden ... Galería de imágenes ... de los “100 héroes de la información” en la cual figuran Meza y Platero.

The founder of Xibalba Arte y Cultura, an NGO specializing in the causes of crime and rehabilitating young offenders, the journalist Itsmania Pineda is constantly threatened online (“We’re going to dismember you alive, you slut!”), her email and blog have been hacked, she has been prevented from moving about freely and she has had to close the office of her NGO. Each time, she filed a report with the police but nothing has been done although the police were told to provide her with protection. As part of the ongoing “purge” of the Honduran police, two senior officers responsible for her protection were relieved of her duties and a third was murdered shortly thereafter. Responsibility for her protection then fell to a junior officer she had previously accused of criminal activity!

Itsmania Pineda Platero

esta es la foto de hoy tomada en diciembre el 2011  dias después del vil asesinato de Alfredo landaverde , luz Marina Paz y el atentado del diario la Tribuna . fue tomada por Jonny Bustillo . landaverde era una figura mundial reconocido por su humildad y sencillez,  apesar de ser un hombre brillante en todos sus aspectos muy honesto " un icono de la verdad " su asesinato uno mas de los crímenes emblematicos esta impune .itsmania pineda platero

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