domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Jonathan Rousse "man I look for his son" l receive prize Honduras


It was a Sunday when I touch the door to Doña María Isabel Barahona, with a sweet smile, wonder lady told me that my son is here, Isabella said take it pass if he stayed for the night brings many dangers, and it was too late to leave his characteristic smile ir.Con waved an indelible mark, that would be the first sponsor that XIBALBA Organization, two days after our joys sorrows became Christopher's son ran out his days a volunteer ran six years old, leukemia childhood hiding from pain, Isabel said go ask for help to Don Jonathan he is a good man, this action was a matter of minutes when the media and asking for a better quality of life for the child Cristopher.Siete days after dying in his house in the colony iberia, was two in the afternoon when knocked on the door, I was privileged to open it to find in front of me to a "smart journalist" put on humility his face full of joy home, as gentle breeze filled a meadow dry, carried in his hands a toy, a large light busito amillo and much more he said, I come to visit Christ told me that his dream was to have a busito and seven days later I in finding exactly what he wanted and here I am with your toy dick. The next day the child died gave Don Jonathan said quality of life. All XIBALBA loves Lord of the Honduran press ..Roussel, 75, is also education teacher, philosopher studies in Guatemala, aviation pilot and director of two programs currently in Tegucigalpa television channels.
He is also director of a talk show, with much critical content on Radio Cadena Voces, a major news networks Honduras.
Natural Yoro department of the same name, Roussel was born on August 16, 1937 and has extensive journalistic career of 57 years, during which he has worked in newspapers such as the now defunct newspaper "The Day", in the 60 century past, and as a correspondent for an international news agency.
The communicator was also the first television journalists in Honduras, but his career has been in radio.

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