viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

NETCIUDADANO 2013, AN ALERT TO THE WORLD GOOGLE and Reporters Without Borders (France)

For the nine candidates in this competition having participated was a gift of hope, address the many problems that affect us and that keeps the lives of hundreds of people as a pendulum.
"The 2013 net citizen" has allowed to present to the world that like us dozens of journalists and defenders of life, journalists who face daily dizzying spiral of injustices and selfishness.
We know that we are not alone but is this an opportunity to extend the wing Respect life and freedom in all its forms pillars that reinforce everyday truth, a truth so that everyone can understand it, we must show solidarity and make us feel that we are not alone in the world, we do not become complicit in the lie.

We know that the best weapon of organized crime is the internet which alienates and dehumanizes man's social environment, for him there are no boundaries, no restrictions, no international treaties that limit, but also the Internet is the window to open to the world in a embrace of solidarity basing our ideals in TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE AND LOVE.

For you lCheikh Fall (Senegal), Mohamed Lamine Oumarou (Mali), Suren Gazaryan (Russia), Tungishbayev Murat (Kazakhstan), Assen Yordanov (Bulgaria), Huynh Ngoc Chenh (Vietnam), Mosireen (Egypt), Shiva Nazar Ahari (Iran ). journalists, human rights defenders and bloggers, will my embrace of solidarity from the American continent and volunteers XIBALBA my DD, Honduras.
"The Word is the sword of the Spirit ..." (Bible)

Member of the network of 1000 women of peace around the world
Member of the International Scientific Corporation Fingerprinting.

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