martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

itsmania a woman of peace around the world 4...Oh¡¡ jee¡¡¡ aqui estoy yo en esta revista la dedico para ustedes en cualquier lugar del mundo los amo itsmania
pagina 4...Oh jee here I am in this magazine I dedicate to you anywhere in the world the love itsmania
a woman of peace around the world
 Newsletter 1/2013
Topic: Preventing Violence
This is the online version. For the full version in pdf, please click here.
by Meike Sahling, Director

Promoting Peace: Fighting Violence against Women across the Regions

PeaceWoman Itsmania Pineda Platero, Honduras

«One Billion Rising»: The whole world dances to end violence against women

Dear Readers,

Around the world, women and girls are still largely affected by different forms of violence, trafficking and political persecution.

This newsletter with its new design contains information on various aspects of our work and activities around this important topic and presents regional strategies for combating violence against women.
In concrete terms, these are the PWAG projects such as the «Women Survivor Learning Forum» in Indonesia as well as the activities in Latin America and the Caribbean regions where women are faced with increasing sexual violence, high rates of femicides and trafficking in women.

We feature in this issue one of our PeaceWomen, Itsmania Pineda Platero from Honduras. As a human rights activist and journalist she urges politicians and government officials to take action against the violence in her country and to stop the prevalent impunity.

The short, encouraging review of this year's first event «One Billion Rising» on Valentine's Day, 14 February, describes the impressive and creative global solidarity shown by women and men around the world to end violence against women.

Finally, the news page provides information on interesting events, some in Bern, which you are cordially invited to attend.

Yours sincerely,

Meike Sahling, PWAG Director


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