martes, 5 de marzo de 2013


Honduras Weekly would like to welcome Itsmania Pineda Platero as the latest member of our team of writers. Itsmania is a professional journalist who lives in Tegucigalpa. She blogs at Xibalba Arte y Cultura, and she is a vocal defender of human rights and freedom of expression in Honduras, and as such we value her insights on these complex and important issues.

Additionally, Itsmania and her non-profit group, Xibalba, which she founded in 1989, have a tremendous amount of experience working with youths who have become involved with illegal drugs and gangs in Honduras and have suffered discrimination and abuse for the way they dress, think, and act.

Itsmania has tirelessly worked for more than two decades to try and help these young Hondurans by providing educational and job training opportunities for them to re-integrate into Honduran society. Simultaneously, she has courageously fought to protect these individuals against inhumane treatment by authorities.

This expertise with Honduras' troubled youths represents a wealth of knowledge and understanding which Itsmania brings to the table as a writer, and we hope she will liberally share it with our broader English-speaking audience.

We accept that Itsmania's perspectives and opinions may be discomforting to some. But we see this as necessary if what we seek is an honest and open conversation about the problems that plague Honduras. Which we do. Otherwise, we relegate ourselves to living in denial, and then we can never hope to find and implement authentic solutions.

Oh, by the way... Itsmania has been nominated by for the Netizen Prize -- sponsored by Reporters Without Borders and Google -- for her work to fight against government censorship, particularly as it relates to freedom of expression online. Please consider voting for her at

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