miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

wet undocumented Hondurans

itsmania pineda platero
Honduras closed 2012 with 32 000 384 U.S. deported

Tegucigalpa - closed 2012 32 000 384 returnees, Hondurans deported by air from the United States and this year with the highest number of registered repatriations authorities reported today Care Center Returned Migrants (CAMR).

And is that 2012 is the year when more number of Mexicans have been returned by air from the United States.

For instance, in 2007 there were a total of 29 thousand 348 deportations and 2008 ended with 018 Hondurans 30,000 returnees provided by air.

At the same time, according to the records of 2012, the months with the highest catrachos deportation by air was in July 3000 with 930; May 3000 with 782, October 3000 with 613, August 3000 with 543, June 3 025 thousand; September with 2000 872; April 2000 with 599 and 2000 March with 544.

President Barak Obama announced that he would approve immigration reform, which would legalize 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., but this has been the government with the largest number of deportations registered to date.
Sister Valdette Willeman Care Center Returned Migrant (CAMR) revealed that in less than two months are counted 4.201 deported. "We do not believe that is a mass deportation, but increased compared to last year."
He said that 92% of the deportees are men.