sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010


La fe es el acto de creer ciegamente en algo, la fe hace del asunto creído algo tan fuerte que adopta el carácter de verdadero aún sin ser comprobado.

Hebreos 11:1 y dice lo siguiente: “Es, pues, la fe la certeza de los que se espera, la convicción de lo que no se ve”.

sin la fe las creencias dejarían de serlo, se desvanecerían . La fe hace que lo imposible, sea posible.

“Aunque se pierdan otras cosas a lo largo de los años, mantengamos la Navidad como algo brillante.…. Regresemos a nuestra fe infantil”
Grace Noll Crowell (1877-1969). Poeta norteamericana.

VER VIDEO...www.xibalbahonduras.blogspot.com

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010


“el combate de la trata de personas, explotación sexual, de niños as y tráficos de órganos” ESCLAVITUD DEL SIGLO XXI


La trata de personas, conocida hoy en día como la “esclavitud del siglo XXI”, es un delito que atenta contra los "Derechos Humanos" pues vulnera la esencia misma de la persona: vida, libertad, integridad y dignidad

Con ayuda del sistema legal de los países, “ La trata de personas, adquiere más poder se convierte en un bien común que mantiene la economía informal de los corruptos , amparados en el desarrollo y obras de beneficencia confunden a la sociedad, esto vuelve a los tratantes de personas cada vez mas legales mimetizando el financiamiento, producto de sus malas acciones, atrapando a los que veneran el dinero a través de su principal arma el internet. Combatir la Trata de personas del mercado seria dejar sin oportunidades de traficar, contrabandear o vender a los que viven de lo ilegal.

La impunidad que prevalece en los países Centro americanos han fortalecido las políticas de exclusión, marginamiento y destrucción de una población habida de tener oportunidades. Las organizaciones más corruptas, extremadamente criminales, se han hecho demasiado legales, se mueven al margen de la ley, dedicándose a la pornografía, pedofilia, internet, prostitucion, pederastas, violadores, transacciones de drogas, armas, y trafico de órganos, adopciones ilegales, rapto de menores etc...

Durante la época colonial mujeres y niñas, particularmente africanas e indígenas, eran vendidas como mano de obra, servidumbre y como objetos sexuales. La trata como problema social comenzó a considerarse a fines del siglo XIX e inicios del XX, se denominó Trata de Blancas, para hacer referencia a la movilidad y comercio
de mujeres blancas, europeas y americanas, para servir como prostitutas o concubinas generalmente en países árabes, africanos o asiáticos. Producto de secuestros, engaños y coacciones sobre todo mujeres inocentes y vulnerables con el objeto de explotarlas sexualmente. A partir del siglo XXI se le conoció como esclavitud del siglo XXI

“Los discursos sobre la “trata de blancas” fueron la base del movimiento abolicionista de la prostitución, cuya lucha se centraba en su erradicación al considerarla una forma de esclavitud de la mujer. Sus acciones se reconocieron en el mundo a través de Los acuerdos internacionales para la supresión de la Trata desarrollados desde 1904 y hasta 1949, año en que la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó el Convenio para la represión de la trata de personas y la explotación de la prostitución ajena.”

Al inicio de la década de los 80, después de varios años de silencio, los discursos sobre la trata de mujeres con fines de explotación sexual tomaron fuerza en diferentes sectores nacionales e internacionales, debido al incremento de la migración femenina trasnacional, que aumentaba desde fines de los años 70, ,

Posteriormente por la gran magnitud del problema y la diversidad de las acciones delictivas de los tratantes, se comenzó a utilizar el término “tráfico humano o tráfico de personas” para referirse al comercio internacional de mujeres y personas menores de edad.
La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) estima que, a nivel mundial, cada año aproximadamente un millón de hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas son engañados, vendidos, coaccionados o sometidos a condiciones semejantes a la esclavitud bajo distintas formas:

La construcción, maquila, agricultura, servicio doméstico, prostitución, pornografía, turismo sexual, matrimonios, serviles, niños soldados, tráfico de órganos, venta de niños, adopciones ilegales, explotacion minera, trafico de influencias, turismo sexual entre otros, siendo las mujeres, las niñas y los niños el sector más vulnerable.

“De acuerdo con el Informe Anual sobre Trata de Personas del Departamento de Estado de Estado Unidos, cada año entre 600,000 y 800,000 personas cruzan las fronteras internacionales como víctimas de trata; de esta cifra el 80 por ciento son mujeres y niñas y el 50 por ciento son personas menores de edad”

La Trata de personas esta considerado un Crimen Trasnacional que lo ubica en el tercer lugar, el primer lugar lo tiene el narcotráfico, y en según do lugar el trafico de armas.

Los países del mundo han hecho esfuerzos, regionales, a través de tratados y convenios internacionales con el fin de regular este acto criminal, por lo que el Departamento de Estado de Los Estados Unidos cada año evalúa a los países adscritos al convenio, situándolos por niveles , que determinan el grado de avance ante el combate de este flagelo.

Honduras es un país de transito y origen de mujeres, niños, niñas que son traficados con propósitos de explotación sexual comercial, mulas para comercializar de la droga y armas victimas de violencia domestica, aumentando cada día mas el numero de niños y niñas que participan en acciones delictivas. Esto no quiere decir que los hombres no sean victimas, muchas veces se someten a trabajos forzosos y denigrantes, de mucho riesgo, a veces ilegales, porque se sienten obligados y no pueden escapar.

Muchos son niños y niñas de áreas rurales, de mercados y de barrios hoy en extrema pobreza, con edades que oscilan entre los 8 y 17 años. En los últimos días ha aumentado el turismo sexual siendo las zonas de más afluencia a San Pedro Sula, Islas de la Bahía la costa del Caribe en el Norte del país.

Mujeres, niños y niñas hondureños son traficados hacia Guatemala, Nicaragua, San Salvador, México y Estados Unidos, algunos pierden la vida en manos de traficantes de personas.

Muy difícilmente, Honduras podrá alcanzar niveles altos de justicia social en relación con otros países. Honduras tiene 12 años de retrazo en cuanto al tema de trata y explotación sexual de la niñez,
porque no hay voluntad política, ni erogación de fondos para combatir este flagelo.
El ente inter institucional encargado de regular esta situación es el departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos de Norte América, representado por el Señor Nathan Macklin.

Cuando nos referimos a este tema el depto de Estado organiza, y evalúa los avances de los países en 3 niveles

Nivel 1, es el cumplimiento de los requerimientos para la erradicación de la trata.

Nivel 2, evalúa a los países que de alguna manera hacen algo pero no buscan la solución.

Nivel 3, son los países que no hacen nada.

En estos niveles se prioriza la trata de todas las edades sean niños(as) mujeres, hombres, trafico de órganos de personas.

Son muchas las necesidades entre ellas financieras para crear en Honduras un centro de crisis que de atención a las victimas de la trata de personas.

Para regular este acto criminal, se elaboro un Convenio de acción Regional compuesta por los países de Centro América y México, actualmente validado por Guatemala, Costa Rica y El Salvador.

Honduras por los acontecimientos políticos del año 2009 tuvo un rezago, que ya esta siendo superado. Por mucho tiempo Honduras ocupo un nivel 3, es decir mal visto por su falta de interés en realizar acciones para el combate de este hecho criminal. Pero en el año 2003, por iniciativa de la comisión de la familia que depende del Congreso Nacional del a Republica de Honduras y el Ministerio de Gobernación y Justicia, representado desde ese entonces por la Licenciada Maria Martha Bonilla acordaron crear la Comisión interinstitucional para “el combate de la trata de personas, explotación sexual, de niños (as) y tráficos de órganos”. Los resultados de esta comisión fueron los siguientes:

Se reformo el código penal de Honduras. Para penalizar los tratantes (personas que trafican). Sin embargo, los expertos internacionales en materia jurídica, promueven que este hecho no sea considerado un delito, sino un hecho criminal por su categoría de Crimen Organizado Trasnacional.

Abrir una línea de emergencia que pueda recibir estas denuncias.

Se comprometió al combate regional y atención a las victimas de la trata.

Recientemente en Honduras se habilito la línea 101 que funciona las 24 horas del día y que esta siendo manejado por policías capacitados por especialistas en el tema, provenientes de otros países como la Policía Nacional de Nicaragua, que ocupado un nivel 1.

Estas acciones hicieron que Honduras subiera a un nivel 2, pero esto no significa que hemos avanzado porque estamos a punto de bajar a un nivel 3.

Migración, UNICEF, OIM, INFHA, Ministerio Publico, Gobernación y Justicia, Casa Alianza, INTERPOL y otros.. Forman parte de esta comisión.

El departamento de Estado de Los Estados Unidos por su parte en su informe oficial del 4 de junio del año 2010 expresa el hecho de que Honduras, es un país de origen y transito de mujeres niños que son traficados con el propósito de la explotación sexual.

Internamente el tráfico de niños y niñas se da mas en áreas urbanas, por la falta de recursos económicos muchas veces son las madres quienes venden a sus hijos.

Según el informe Honduras no cumple con las normas mínimas para la eliminación de la trata de personas. La comisión alega que el incumplimiento a las mismas se debe a que Honduras “no tiene un centro especial de tratamiento y atención a las victimas que el único que hay es el trabajo que se realiza gracias al apoyo particular de la ONG Casa Alianza.

…..Manuel Capellin director del centro Casa Alianza. , informo que es muy poca la ayuda que ellos pueden brindar, porque además de la limitante económica, no pueden atender casos de adultos, por lo que estos siguen sin atención y desprotegidos.

…..“Un policía de INTERPOL nos decía que una gran debilidad es el desconocimiento del tema, la negligencia en la aplicación de la ley cuando se trata de menores de edad para el caso; la prontitud de los fiscales para actuar en estos casos no es equivalente al esfuerzo que realiza la policía, por lo que nuestro trabajo se ve afectado, cuando un fiscal da la orden, después de la denuncia, casi siempre han pasado las 24 horas y los niños en ese tiempo ya los han llevado lejos, lo mas que hacemos es poner una alerta migratoria . En su mayoría los policías tanto como la población tienen desconocimiento de lo que es la trata y las repercusiones legales que esto implica…por ahí debemos empezar”.

Reunidos en la Cancilleria, la Sociedad Civil Hondureña expresaron su preocupación por el alto riesgo que viven nuestros niños, la falta de apoyo económico para cumplir con los compromisos adquiridos, el aumento acelerado de muertes de menores así como el aumento de la mendicidad,

En el examen Periódico Universal EPU previsto por la ONU, las recomendaciones hechas a Honduras coincidieron con las inquietudes de la sociedad civil hondureña al recomendar el representante de Argentina, la importancia del Respeto a Los Derechos Humanos, adherirse a los Convenios y Tratados Internacionales como el resto de los países del mundo y luchar por el combate de la trata de personas.


viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

IAPA General Assembly, November 5 - 9 2010, Mérida, México

Information by Country:

Freedom of expression continues at risk in Honduras, as there exist threats, intimidations and attacks not only on news media but on individual journalists. In addition, there is the impunity that surrounds the murder of five journalists in this period since the Aruba Midyear Meeting. To date the government has not solved the crimes and the masterminds and perpetrators remain unidentified.

In the case of David Meza, murdered on March 11, those identified by the authorities were released for lack of evidence. In the case of Jorge Alberto Orellano murder, committed on April 20, one of those allegedly involved is in prison. The other murders continue to go unpunished.

In this period one attempt was made on the life of a reporter, eight were assaulted, two received death threats, attacks were reported on the buildings of three news media outlets, and the government withdrew the license of a television channel.

In addition, noteworthy has been the reluctance of government agencies to render an account of the planning, use and placement of public funds.

President Porfirio Lobo’s commitment to defend freedom of the press and of expression is far from being put into effect. His administration has dealt with great indifference with murders of, assaults on, and threats to journalists, as well as attacks on news media buildings, and on that of the National Human Rights Commission (Conadeh).

The actions of the executive and legislative branches of government show a clear disregard of the Law on Transparency and Access to Public Information and of court rulings on the subject.

The main developments during this period:

On August 8 journalist Mario Salinas, who hosts the program “Ante la Nación” (Before the Nation) on the San Pedro Sula television channel Canal 21, complained to a police officer that he was the victim of persecution by unidentified persons, later reporting that his complaint had not been acted on.

On August 18 journalist Nelson Joaquín Murillo of Radio América radio station was set upon by a group of people belonging to the self-styled People’s Resistance Front, supporter of former president Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

On August 19 La Tribuna news photographer Amílcar Luque reported to the National Human Rights Commission an attack upon him the day before (August 18) by members of the self-styled People’s Resistance Front. He said that taking part in the assault was Swedish citizen Dick Emanuelson, who supposedly works as correspondent of a Swedish magazine. According to Luque, when he was photographing a protest demonstration outside a hotel near the Presidential Office, Emanuelson began filming him.

On August 19 journalist Itsmania Pineda Platero, president of the organization Xibalba, Arte y Cultura, reported that she was injured by three assailants who broke into her home on Sunday, August 15 and the following day was threatened by the same individuals for having reported to officials what had happened.

On August 24 journalist Israel Zelaya Díaz, 56, who was a stringer for the program “Claro y Pelado” (Clear and Barefaced) aired by Radio Internacional radio station, was murdered in the town of Villaneva, Cortés province. Zelaya Díaz, whom colleagues and friends nicknamed “Chacatay,” was found dead with three bullet wounds to the throat and head. The District Attorney said robbery was ruled out because his documents, watch and cel phone were found in his trousers. Although the investigation was not going anywhere local police spokesman Leonel Sauceda said “the only thing that we have been able to determine in the death of journalist Israel Zelaya Díaz is that it was not due to his work as a journalist.” Zelaya had been a journalist for 30 years, mainly on radio but he also had worked for a short time in the newsrooms of El Heraldo and La Tribuna.

On August 27 Radio Globo reporters Carlos Paz and Oswaldo Estrada were beaten by police officers taking part in the clearing of people out of the campus of the Francisco Morales Pedagogic University where a group of striking professors had taken refuge.

On September 2, ignoring a Supreme Court ruling, the National Congress passed a decree authorizing takeover of the frequency used by the Teleunsa company’s Canal 8 television channel. In May 2007 the Administrative Court had ruled that Teleunsa was the sole operator of the Canal 8 frequency. This ruling was later upheld by the Administrative Appeals Court and then unanimously by the Supreme Court on May 20, 2008. The legislative action, which had originated in the Presidency, sparked bitter discussion in the chamber. It opened up a new debate on violation of press freedom and free speech in the country. The decision was made in a controversial debate in which legislators from the opposition parties called it a “confiscation” of a frequency that had been lawfully granted to businessman Elías Asfura. “It is not an expropriation, they are simply saying that it belongs to the state,” and taking the frequency from Teleunsa “is an act of sovereignty,” declared President Porfirio Lobo, the main sponsor of the decree. National Human Rights Commissioner Ramón Custodio rejected the government action, stating, “If anything has made us free, if anything has made us have the democracy that we have in Honduras, it is freedom of expression.”

On September 6 journalist René Rojas complained that the police were hounding him for the work he was doing. Rojas, who hosts the program “Libre Expresión” (Free Speech) broadcast by a radio station in Santa Rosa de Copán in western Honduras, said that two months ago he had been subjected to harassment for having exposed abuses committed by local traffic police.

On September 9 members of the resistance front supporting former president Manuel Zelaya hurled rocks at the building of two television channels, Canal 10 and Canal 7, and at that of the National Human Rights Commission in Tegucigalpa.

On September 15 dozens of police officers and soldiers burst without authorization into the offices of Radio Uno radio station in San Pedro Sula to disgorge a group of demonstrators who had taken refuge there after attacking parades commemorating the 189th anniversary of the country’s independence.

On September 22 HRN radio reporter Verónica Cáceres was attacked by supporters of former president Manuel Zelaya. The attack occurred as she was outside the Autonomous National University of Honduras covering a protest demonstration by Zelaya supporters in demand for the dismissal of the university’s president.

On September 23 the Access to Public Information Institute (IAIP) presented a report titled “Evaluation of the Institutions Required to Comply with the Law on Transparency and Access to Public Information,” in which it is stated that officials of government agencies were clearly reluctant to render accounts on the planning, use and placement of public funds. The report said that several agencies, citing fear for public safety, resisted giving accounts of the monthly remuneration of public servants.

On September 24 San Pedro Sula city alderman Reynaldo Rouglas struck Telediario television reporter Golda Sánchez as she was interviewing him. The attack took place in the office of the municipal official, who was annoyed when the reporter asked him if he was the owner of the tow trucks that the city uses to move badly parked vehicles on local streets.

On October 4 journalist Danilo Antúnez, editor of the financial pages of the newspaper La Tribuna, narrowly escaped with his life after two assailants shot at him as he was about to get into his car. It was reported that the attack could be linked to what he had written about economic crises in Cuba and Venezuela.

On October 12 cameraman José Jorge Amador, who works for the online version of El Heraldo, was detained and beaten as he was covering a parade in support of former president Manuel Zelaya at the National Congress.

SIP:66ª Asamblea General, 5 al 9 de noviembre 2010, Mérida, México

Informes por país:

Aruba y Antillas Holandesas
Costa Rica
El Salvador
Estados Unidos
Puerto Rico
República Dominicana


La libertad de expresión continúa en riesgo en Honduras pues persisten amenazas, intimidaciones y ataques no solo a medios de comunicación sino a periodistas. Además el manto de la impunidad que cubre el asesinato de cinco periodistas en este período. Hasta el momento el gobierno no ha esclarecido los crímenes y los responsables intelectuales y materiales siguen sin conocerse.

Aunque en el caso de David Meza, asesinado el 11 de marzo, los señalados por las autoridades fueron liberados por falta de pruebas, por el crimen de Jorge Alberto Orellana, ocurrido el 20 de abril, uno de los imputados está preso. Los demás asesinatos están impunes.

En este período, un comunicador sufrió un atentado, ocho fueron agredidos, dos recibieron amenazas a muerte, se registraron ataques contra los edificios de tres medios de comunicación y la frecuencia de un canal de televisión fue confiscada por el gobierno.

Por otra parte, se destaca la actitud renuente de las instituciones gubernamentales a rendir cuentas sobre la planificación, el uso y el destino de los fondos públicos.
El compromiso del presidente Porfirio Lobo de defender la libertad de prensa y de expresión está muy lejos de concretarse. Su administración ha tratado con mucha indiferencia los asesinatos, atentados y amenazas contra periodistas, así como los ataques a los edificios de los medios de comunicación, incluyendo al edificio del Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (Conadeh).

Las acciones del Poder Ejecutivo y Legislativo son de un claro irrespeto a Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública, así como desconocen sentencias judiciales al respecto.

Principales hechos en este período:

El 8 de agosto, el periodista Mario Salinas, quien dirige el programa “Ante la Nación” en canal 21 de San Pedro Sula, denunció ante a la policía que era víctima de persecución por parte de personas desconocidas, aunque luego denunció que su queja no fue considerada.

El 18 de agosto, el periodista Nelson Joaquín Murillo, de Radio América fue agredido por un grupo de personas ligadas al denominado frente de resistencia popular, afín al ex presidente Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

El 19 de agosto, el reportero gráfico de diario La Tribuna, Amílcar Luque, denunció ante el comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos la agresión de que fue objeto un día antes (18 de agosto) por parte de miembros del grupo llamado resistencia popular.

Luque aseguró que en la agresión participó el ciudadano sueco Dick Emanuelson, quien supuestamente labora como corresponsal de una revista sueca. Según su relato, cuando el tomaba fotografías de una protesta, frente a un hotel cercano a Casa Presidencial, el supuesto corresponsal lo empezó a filmar.

El 19 de agosto, la periodista Itsmania Pineda Platero, presidenta de la organización Xibalba, Arte y Cultura, denunció que fue agredida por tres sujetos que se introdujeron a su casa el domingo 15 de agosto y que el lunes 16 fue amenazada por los mismos individuos por haber reportado lo sucedido a la autoridad.

El 24 de agosto, el periodista Israel Zelaya Díaz, de 56 años de edad, que colaboraba con el programa “Claro y Pelado” de Radio Internacional, fue asesinado en la ciudad de Villanueva, departamento de Cortés.

Zelaya Díaz, a quien sus colegas y amigos lo llamaban “Chacatay”, fue encontrado muerto de tres balazos en el tórax y en la cabeza.

La fiscal dijo que se descartaba el robo porque se encontraron sus documentos, reloj y teléfono celular en su pantalón. Sin que la investigación tuviere un mayor desarrollo, el comisario Leonel Sauceda, portavoz de la policía preventiva, manifestó un día después que “lo único que se ha podido determinar en la muerte del periodista Israel Zelaya Díaz es que no se debió al ejercicio de su profesión”.
Zelaya tenía más de 30 años de ejercer el periodismo, principalmente el radial, pero también tuvo un ligero paso por las redacciones de diario El Heraldo y La Tribuna.

El 27 de agosto, los periodistas de Radio Globo, Carlos Paz y Oswaldo Estrada, fueron golpeados por agentes de la policía que participaron en el desalojo de los predios de la Universidad Pedagógica “Francisco Morazán” donde se habían refugiado un grupo de maestros huelguistas.

El 2 de septiembre, ignorando una sentencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, el Congreso Nacional aprobó un decreto mediante el cual le confisca la frecuencia de canal ocho a la empresa Teleunsa.

En mayo del 2007, el Juzgado de lo Contencioso Administrativo dictó sentencia y concedió a Teleunsa ser el operador único de la frecuencia de Canal 8. La sentencia fue confirmada por la Corte de Apelaciones de lo Contencioso Administrativo en fecha posterior y por unanimidad de la Corte Suprema de Justicia el 20 de mayo de 2008.

La propuesta legislativa con procedencia de Casa Presidencial causó una agria discusión en la cámara. La decisión legislativa abrió un nuevo debate sobre la violación a la libertad de prensa y de libre expresión en el país.

La decisión fue tomada en un polémico debate en el que diputados de los partidos opositores dijeron que la medida es una "confiscación" de una frecuencia que legalmente estaba adjudicada al empresario Elías Asfura. “No es expropiación, simplemente le están diciendo que ese número el 8 y el 20 son del Estado”. El quitarle la frecuencia a Teleunsa “es un acto de soberanía”, sostuvo el presidente Porfirio Lobo, principal impulsor del decreto.

El comisionado nacional de los derechos humanos Ramón Custodio rechazó la actuación del gobierno manifestando: “si algo nos ha hecho libres, si algo nos ha hecho tener la poca democracia que tenemos, en Honduras, es la libertad de expresión”.

El 6 septiembre, el periodista René Rojas denunció que la policía lo persigue y lo hostiga por su ejercicio periodístico. Rojas, quien conduce el programa radial “Libre Expresión” en una emisora de Santa Rosa de Copán, en el occidente de Honduras, aseguró que desde hace dos meses es víctima de acoso por haber denunciado los abusos que comete la Policía de Tránsito de esa ciudad.

El 9 septiembre, integrantes del frente de resistencia afín al ex presidente Manuel Zelaya atacaron con piedras el edificio de dos televisoras, Canal 10 y Canal 7, así como el del Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, en Tegucigalpa.

El 15 de septiembre, una veintena de policías y soldados ingresó sin autorización a las oficinas de Radio Uno, en San Pedro Sula, para desalojar a un grupo de manifestantes que se habían refugiado en las instalaciones de esa emisora, luego de atacar los desfiles conmemorativos al 189 aniversario de la independencia.

El 22 de septiembre, la periodista Verónica Cáceres, de la radioemisora HRN, fue atacada por dirigentes afín al ex presidente Manuel Zelaya. El ataque ocurrió cuando ella cubría frente a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, una protesta de zelayistas que exigía la destitución de la rectora de esa casa de estudios.

El 23 de septiembre, el Instituto de Acceso a la Información Pública (IAIP) presentó el informe “Evaluación de las Instituciones Obligadas en el Cumplimiento de la Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública (LTAIP)” donde resalta que las autoridades de las instituciones gubernamentales se muestran renuentes a rendir cuentas sobre la planificación, el uso y el destino de los fondos públicos.

En el informe se consigna que varias instituciones, alegando temor a la inseguridad ciudadana, se resisten a rendir cuentas sobre la remuneración mensual de los servidores públicos.

El 24 de septiembre, el regidor de la alcaldía de San Pedro Sula, Reynaldo Rouglas agredió a la periodista de Telediario, Golda Sánchez, cuando ésta le realizaba una entrevista. El ataque tuvo lugar en la oficina del funcionario municipal, quien se molestó cuando la comunicadora le preguntó si el era el dueño de las grúas que utiliza la alcaldía para movilizar aquellos vehículos mal estacionados en las calles de la ciudad.

El 4 de octubre, el periodista Danilo Antúnez, editor de las páginas económicas de diario La Tribuna se salvó de morir acribillado luego que dos sujetos le dispararon, en el momento en que se disponía a abrir la puerta de su automóvil. Según su denuncia, el atentado podría estar vinculado a sus notas periodísticas sobre la crisis económica en Cuba y Venezuela.

El 12 de octubre, el camarógrafo José Jorge Amador, quien trabaja para la Web de El Heraldo fue detenido y asaltado cuando cubría, en el Congreso Nacional, una marcha afín al ex presidente Manuel Zelaya.

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010


a la memoria de las mujeres asesinadas, de las humilladas que sufren en silencio, de las amenazadas, que ven en la justicia hondureña un callejon sin salida...


La violencia contra las mujeres, busca crear una crisis y una tensión de tal magnitud que seamos reprimidas, humilladas y sufriendo de los demás el rechazo, reiteradamente que muchas veces nos vemos forzadas a aceptarlo.

Los criminales que por acción u omisión buscan dramatizar la justicia de manera que el asesinato, las amenazas, las denuncias no sean evidentes y queden impunes, ... pero este acto de cobardía es un asunto que ya no puede ser ignorado por más tiempo.

La estrategia de crear tensión , miedo como una acto cobarde ya no funciona, ... Pero debo confesarles que no tengo miedo al "miedo, ni a la tensión". Me he vuelto fuerte, con alas de una águila y la belleza de su plumaje, ya no puedo estar rodeada de gallinas, soy firme ante la tensión violenta, ante las ofensas, a que te llamen loca, o que te llamen fea, gorda, vieja, tonta, de clase social inferior, eso amigas es una estrategia violenta , una reacción cobarde de alguien que no acepta el hecho de que ser mujer es el acto heroico que nos hace sobrevivir y afrontar nuevos retos en latinoamerica, además es un acto reconstructivo, las hondureñas son "princesas con especial realeza, cada una de nosotras somos necesarias para el crecimiento de nuestros pueblos....

No usaremos violencia, física o verbal, hacia ninguna persona
· No poseeremos armas de ningún tipo
· No traeremos ni usaremos alcohol o drogas ilegales
· No destruiremos propiedades

solo les enseñaremos que sin nosotras los hombres jamas estarán completos.

·" No hay barrera, cerradura ni cerrojo que puedas imponer a la libertad de mi mente(Virginia Woolf)"


jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010


Xibalba (okunuşu: şibâlba),

Maya mitolojisindeki yeraltı dünyası yani ahiret yurdudur. Xibalba ismi kaba bir tercüme ile “Korkunun Yeri“ olarak çevrilebilir.

[1] Mayalılara göre Xibalba'ya hastalık ve ölüm ruhları hükmetmektedir ve bazı halk hikâyelerine, efsanelere göre Xibalba'nın fizikî olarak bulunduğu yer Orion Bulutsusudur.

[2] 16. yüzyıl Verapaz'ında geleneksel olarak Xibalba'nın girişi Cobán, Guatemala yakınlarındaki bir mağaradır. Nitekim, kökenleri Mayalılara uzanan ve o bölgede yaşayan K'iche' halkından bazıları bölgeyi hâlâ ölümle ilişkilendirmektedir. Ayrıca, Belize'deki mağara sistemleri de Xibalba'nın girişi olarak anılmıştır.

[3] Ek olarak, K'iche' halkına göre Xibalba'ya giden yolun bir başka fizikî enkarnasyonu da Samanyolunda görülebilen karanlık yarıktır.

[4]Popol Vuh'da Xibalba, Dünya yüzeyinin altında bulunan bir mekân olarak tarif edilir. Xibalba'nın sakinlerinin ölmüş kişilerin ruhları mı olduğu yoksa ölüme tapan ayrı bir mahlukat türü mü olduğu belirsizdir; bununla birlikte genellikle insana benzer bir şekilde betimlenirler. Xibalba bir yer olarak ölümle ilişkilendirilmekteydi ve “Xibalba'nın Efendileri“ olarak bilinen on iki tanrı veya hükümdar tarafından hükmedildiğine inanılmaktaydı. Xibalba'nın Efendilerinin ilki Hun-Came (Bir Ölüm) ve Vucub-Came (Yedi Ölüm) idi; bununla birlikte ikisinin arasında daha büyük olanı Hun-Came idi.

[5] [6]Kalan on efendi genellikle “iblis“ (veya cin) olarak anıır ki nitekim bunlar insanî cefanın, acının farklı biçimleri üzerinde söz sahibiydiler: hastalığa, kıtlığa, korkuya, yoksulluğa, ağrıya ve, nihayette, ölüme yol açmak gibi.[1] Bu efendilerin hepsi çiftler halinde çalışırlar ki şöyle adlandırılırlar: insanların kanını hastalandıran Xiquiripat (Uçan Kabuk) ve Cuchumaquic (Toplanmış Kan), insanların vücutlarının şişmesine yol açan Ahalpuh (İrin İblisi) ve Ahalgana (Sarılık İblisi), ölü bedenleri iskeletlere dönüştüren Chamiabac (Kemik Asası) ve Chamiaholom (Kafatası Asası), evlerin süpürülmemiş (temizlenmemiş) yerlerinde saklanan ve insanları bıçaklayarak öldüren Ahalmez (Süpürme İblisi) ve Ahaltocob (Bıçaklama İblisi), ve insanların dışarıda yolda yürürken kanlı öksürerek ölmelerine yol açan Xic (Kanat) ve Patan (Sırt Askısı).[5]

[6] Xibalba'nın diğer sakinlerinin bu efendilerden birinin hakimiyetine düştüğüne ve Dünya yüzeyine çıkarak kendilerine verilen görevleri yerine getirdiklerine inanılırdı.

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

Reporting by Itsmania Pineda Platero

Honduras August Update: Attacks against journalists and media
reporting by Itsmania Pineda Platero, XIBALBA Art and Culture’s President, Honduras.

Tegucigalpa, lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010
September 25, 2010

After failing to lift suspension of Honduras from OAS on 30 July, US continues to pressure for Honduras reintegration, and sent in 3 & 4 August a high level delegation from US State Department to Honduras, headed by Mary Otero – Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, who is accused by human rights organizations to be an ex CIA agent. The July 30 meeting was cancelled not because of the report, but because of lack of agreements reached and OAS HLC not having formal mandate to be negotiating although it tried to. The report sets the framework for follow up actions by state department to impose a recipe to quickly reintegrate Honduras. Report – whitewash – it neglects to mention that Lobo regime is illegitimate, makes the HR Platform’s Truth Commission invisible, and seeks to involve a sympathizer from the resistance on the official TC instead. Lobo is charged with concocting a national dialogue and would attempt to influence the constituent process. It sought installation of UN OHCHR office (please see this link for an analysis of these http://www.rightsaction.org/articles/US_presses_OAS_on_Honduras_080510.html)
Evidence from August of lack of willingness by the regime to comply with even the OAS HLC’s recommendations:It was recommended that accusations against Zelaya be withdrawn as they are politically motivated:
On 1/8 Mario Canahuati (foreign secretary) proposed that Zelaya be tried by a different (Honduran) tribunal other than the Supreme Court instead.
On 2/8 Arturo Corrales insisted that the report sets the parameters for Honduras’ reintegration to OAS and imposes his misinterpretation of the report to being that Zelaya is tried under due processes by Honduran authorities
On 21/8, the DPP placed new false charges against Zelaya, accusing him of having diverted 530 million Lempiras donated by the Venezuelan government. Zelaya denounced the disinformation campaign, provided information about what was donated, spent, and not spent, why, and where this money was when he was deposed.
Lobbying efforts by Lobo and U.S. Ambassador continue, to obtain OAS reintegration for Honduras without making sure that democracy and human rights are restored:
- At the end of July, Lobo also held a secret meeting with a friend Merino who is a FMLN leader to, in Lobo’s statement to Diario de Hoy, ‘mediate with the Honduran Resistance’ without explaining what he means by ‘mediate’.
- On 6/8 Lobo appointed Jorge A Reina as the Ambassador to UNASUR, a character previously considered a leftist, to ‘whitewash’ and convince UNASUR to consent to reintegration of Honduras to OAS.
- Hugo Llorens US Ambassador said this appointment shows an openness to international diplomatic relations and that the international community has an obligation to (help) Honduras through normalizing relations
- On 12/8/10, Choluteca Mayor – Quintin Soriano, through a letter from the head of human resources obligated council employees to attend the welcoming of US Ambassador Hugo Llorens. They were threatened with the suspension of 2 days pay if they did not attend. Llorens is accused of having participated in the coup.
It is important to continue to pressure against premature reintegration of Honduras to OAS as it is leverage for demands to end impunity and support democracy, with the president of OAS declaring his wishes for the reintegration of Honduras in an extraordinary assembly. IMF visited Honduras on 11/8 and has not yet signed an agreement. While it mentioned poverty and lack of social investment as problems, its greater concerns are fiscal sustainability and economic growth; the measures it promotes deepen inequality. For example it and IDB advocated and even pressured for the regime to not repay its massive debt to the teachers’ payroll institution Inprema (presumably because it – fulfilling educational and labor obligations – is seen as an unproductive way of using money it does not have).
There are 146 persons accused of attempting against the state – if they choose amnesty then they are accepting that they were accused legally and in due form, hiding the violation of their human rights – that they have been beaten and tortured.
On the other side, the ‘justice’ system makes sure human rights violators go unpunished. For example, only now, one year later, the human rights prosecutor ordered the armed forces to hand in the arms that killed Isis Obed Murillo, at which point they would have gotten rid of basic evidences. On 31/8/10 the Court ruled Coronel Jose Arnulfo Jimenez, charged with abuse of authority and closing medias (Channel 36, Radio Globo and Radio La Catracha), as INNOCENT, stating he simply looked after the properties and never used force to close the medias unlike what was denounced by the affected and by DPP..

Awards of coup supporters continue with the appointment of Maria del Carmen Nasser as the Ambassador for Chile – she is sister of coup financing elite businessperson Fredy Nasser, and a businessperson herself.

On 1/9/10, 22 officials of the Colombian military visited the Honduran military, according to the Public Relations Office of the Air Forces of Honduras, which also said that exchanges between the 2 armed forces are frequent. In Colombia the biggest mass grave of Latin America was found recently of 2000 corpses.

Itsmania Pineda Platero is a member of the Voluntary Network of the Ecumenical Human Rights Observatory of the Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI). A journalist, Itsmania is President of the XIBALBA Art and Culture organization that for years has been working in the prevention of youth joining the Maras and other gangs.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010


Pide medidas de protección periodista hondureña | La Polilla Cubana
28 Sep 2010 ... PRIMERO: Como es de su conocimiento la Periodista Licenciada Itsmania Pineda Platero desde el 2006 por su trabajo de Prevención, ...
lapolillacubana.blogcip.cu/.../pide-medidas-de-proteccion-periodista-hondurena/ - En caché

Bloqueros y corresponsales de la revolucion

Pide medidas de protección periodista hondureña - Blogueros y ...
28 Sep 2010 ... PRIMERO: Como es de su conocimiento la Periodista Licenciada Itsmania Pineda
Platero desde el 2006 por su trabajo de Prevención, ...
http://bloguerosrevolucion.ning.com/xn/detail/2522192:BlogPo... - 43k - Páginas similares

PRIMERO: Como es de su conocimiento la Periodista Licenciada Itsmania Pineda
Platero desde el 2006 por su trabajo de Prevención, Tratamiento y ...
http://periodistascontraelcrimen.blogspot.com/ - 118k - Páginas similares

Demandan cumplimiento de medidas cautelares para periodista hondureña defensora de derechos humanos


Opinión Ciudadano LibreFemicidios en HondurasTu estas aqui:

Demandan cumplimiento de medidas cautelares para periodista hondureña defensora de derechos humanos

by Eleana Borjas

Thursday, 30 September 2010 15:28

El cumplimiento inmediato de las medidas cautelares de protección urgente para la periodista hondureña Itsmania Pineda platero, presidenta de la organización Xibalba, Arte y Cultura, exige el Observatorio Ecuménico para los Derechos Humanos en Honduras del Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias (OEDHCLAI).

Tegucigalpa, Honduras. El OEDHCLAI envió una carta al Secretario de Seguridad, Óscar Álvarez, en la que instan “la restitución inmediata de las Medidas Cautelares de protección de esta compatriota (Itsmania Pineda) a efecto de prevenir la comisión de otro acto criminal, como tantos otros han ocurrido en contra de dirigentes populares y activistas defensores de DDHH en el actual periodo de gobierno y el contexto de impunidad, inseguridad e indefensión que estamos la población desde el Golpe de Estado Militar”.

Enfatizan que la vida de Pineda Platero, como Defensora de los Derechos Humanos corre inminente peligro, desde el momento mismo que por órdenes superiores se le ha suspendido la seguridad policial asignada.

Según las declaraciones de la periodista Pineda Platero, el pasado 24 de septiembre se enteró que por órdenes del inspector Nájera se le habría suspendido los enlaces de seguridad.

“El 28 de septiembre en horas de la mañana, me encontré con la patrulla y los policías asignados a los cuales llamé, estos se alejaron sin responderme, los policías asignados a la posta de la colonia las torres se detuvieron, yo les pregunté, ¿por qué se alejan sin escucharme?, ¿quiero saber quiénes andan en esa patrulla?, porque yo debo saberlo. Ellos me dijeron: " mire, esa patrulla está asignada para dar protección solo a la colonia los Robles pues ellos la compraron y pagan para ello, si usted quiere seguridad en su colonia cómprese una patrulla o compre un vehículo y solicite dos policías para que anden con usted", contó Pineda Platero.

Desde el 2006, Pineda Platero, quien realiza trabajos de prevención, tratamiento y rehabilitación de jóvenes participantes de las asociaciones ilícitas Maras y Pandillas a través de la organización sin fines de lucro XIBALBA, ha sido víctima de amenazas, persecución y hostigamiento. Su caso se presentó ante la Comisión Interamericana de los Derechos Humanos, la Fiscalía Especial de los Derechos Humanos y los organismos nacionales en Honduras; goza en la actualidad de Medidas Cautelares.
No obstante y sin razón aparente, la Secretaría de Seguridad habría ordenado la suspensión del reguardo policial con el cual ha contado desde hace algún tiempo.

Crímenes de periodistas

Cabe destacar que en lo que va del 2010 en Honduras nueve periodistas y un locutor han sido asesinados, crímenes que hasta el día de hoy se encuentran en la impunidad.

El primero de marzo de 2010 fue asesinado a balazos Joseph Hernández Ochoa, periodista del canal 51 de Tegucigalpa. Su acompañante, la periodista Karol Cabrera, sufrió heridas pero sobrevivió. El 11 de marzo de 2010 fue asesinado David Meza Montesinos, periodista de Radio América y Radio El Patio, de la ciudad de La Ceiba.

El 14 de marzo de 2010 fue asesinado en la ciudad de Tocoa el periodista Nahúm Palacios, director de noticias de la Televisora Canal 5 del Aguán, quien contaba con medidas cautelares otorgadas por la CIDH.

El 26 de marzo de 2010 fueron asesinados los periodistas de Canal 4 R.Z. Televisión y Radio Excélsior José Bayardo Mairena y Manuel Juárez, quienes circulaban por una carretera cerca de la ciudad de Juticalpa en el departamento de Olancho.

El 13 de abril fue asesinado en San Pedro Sula el locutor Luis Antonio Chévez Hernández, quien trabajaba en la radio W105 de esa ciudad. El 20 de abril de 2010 fue asesinado Jorge Alberto “Georgino” Orellana, periodista y catedrático de la Escuela de Periodismo, en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula.

Se suma a la lista Israel Zelaya Díaz, que fue hallado el pasado 23 de agosto en el sector de las cañeras del municipio de Villanueva, Cortés. Su cuerpo presentaba tres impactos de bala. De acuerdo con las autoridades policiales, el periodista habría sido llevado con vida a las “cañeras”, en un taxi, para luego asesinársele.

Honduras ha sido catalogada como uno de los países más peligrosos de Latinoamérica para ejercer el periodismo.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Periodista hondureña clama angustiada por medidas de protección urgentes ante desamparo policial

Licenciado Oscar Arturo Álvarez Guerrero
Secretario de Estado en los Despachos de la Secretaria de Seguridad
Gobierno de la República de Honduras.
Celular 9770-3454.

Respetado señor Ministro.

El Observatorio Ecuménico para los Derechos Humanos en Honduras del Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias (OEDHCLAI), con todo respeto comparecemos ante usted, como responsable máximo de la seguridad, protección, orden y convivencia ciudadana de nuestro país, demandando el cumplimiento inmediato de las MEDIDAS CAUTELARES DE PROTECCIÓN URGENTES para la Periodista hondureña ITSMANIA PINEDA PLATERO, Presidenta de la Organización XIBALBA, ARTE Y CULTURA y miembra de la Red de Observadores Ecuménicos en Derechos Humanos de este Observatorio del CLAI, conforme los hechos y consideraciones jurídicas siguientes.

PRIMERO: Como es de su conocimiento la Periodista Licenciada Itsmania Pineda Platero desde el 2006 por su trabajo de Prevención, Tratamiento y Rehabilitación de jóvenes participantes de las asociaciones ilícitas Maras y Pandillas a través de la organización sin fines de lucro XIBALBA, ha sido víctima de amenazas, persecución y hostigamiento, siendo su caso denunciado ante la honorable Comisión Interamericana de los Derechos Humanos, la Fiscalía Especial de los Derechos Humanos y los organismos nacionales en Honduras, gozando en la actualidad de Medidas Cautelas de Protección.

SEGUNDO: La Periodista Pineda Platero también ha contribuido con el Estado Hondureño y la sociedad civil mediante numerosas capacitaciones para agentes y oficiales de policía, autoridades municipales, líderes gremiales y comunitarios con el tema de la prevención de las MARAS Y PANDILLAS y a la vez a escrito y editado ensayos y documentales especializados sobre este fenómeno social, en relación a sus orígenes externos, las causas que los genera, formas organizativas desarrolladas y las consecuencias de estas estructuras delictivas durante los gobiernos del Presidente Ricardo Maduro y José Manuel Zelaya Rosales como a usted le consta.

TERCERO: Señor Secretario de Estado, actualmente la vida de la Periodista ITSMANIA PINEDA PLATERO, como Defensora de los Derechos Humanos corre inminente peligro, desde el momento mismo que POR ÓRDENES SUPERIORES se le ha suspendido la seguridad policial asignada a su persona desde el pasado 24 de septiembre y ejecutada por el Inspector de Policía de apellido Nájera de la Sub Delegación del barrio la Granja, ciudad de Comayaguela, al retirarle los agentes asignados sin ninguna comunicación formal oficial por escrito como consta en el convenio de medidas cautelares de protección suscrito mediante Acta entre esa Secretaria de Estado, la Fiscalía de Derechos Humanos y la víctima protegida. Su caso tiene una denuncia criminal en la DNIC por amenazas a su seguridad, en proceso e investigación pero con negligencia manifiesta del equipo investigador como le consta al mismo Comisionado de Policía Mario René Chamorro Jefe de la región Metropolitana número uno, quien le ha brindado su apoyo en forma directa ante los reclamos y puestos los hechos en conocimiento del Comisionado Luna y el Comisionado Fuentes en Casamata sin ninguna respuesta hasta la fecha.

CUARTO: Considerando Señor Ministro de Seguridad, que el Estado de Honduras tiene la Obligación de tutelar, proteger, garantizar y promover los Derechos Humanos de todos los connacionales y extranjeros residentes en el país, conforme la Convención Americana de los Derechos Humanos o Pacto de San José de la OEA y otros tratados internacionales sobre la materia y en función de salvaguardar en forma inmediata la seguridad, libertad personal y la vida de la Periodista ITSMANIA PINEDA PLATERO preceptuados estos derechos en los artículos 61, 65, 68.69, 78 y 81 de la Constitución de la República y demás aplicables de la Ley Orgánica de la Policía y la Convención Americana, con todo respeto en razón de su autoridad como Secretario de Estado PEDIMOS:

Admitir la presente por intermedio de la Unidad de Derechos Humanos y la Secretaria General como una petición pública, darle el tramite legal, ordenando ante quién corresponda la restitución inmediata de las Medidas Cautelares de protección de esta compatriota a efecto de prevenir la comisión de otro acto criminal como tantos otros han ocurrido en contra de dirigentes populares y activistas defensores de DDHH en el actual periodo de gobierno y el contexto de impunidad, inseguridad e indefensión que estamos la población desde el Golpe de Estado Militar reconocido internacionalmente por el Presidente de la República Licenciado Porfirio Lobo Sosa.

Se adjunta copia de denuncia anterior de este Observatorio Ecuménico del CLAI y carta remitida por la Periodista Itsmania Pineda al Dr. Juan Almendares Director del CPTRT clamando por protección.

Tegucigalpa, MDC 28 de septiembre de 2010.
Leonel Casco Gutiérrez
Procurador de los Derechos Humanos
Coordinador Observatorio Ecuménico DDHH del CLAI.
Cel. 9892-6935

Cc. Fiscal DDHH Abogada Sandra Ponce
Ministra Asesora en DDHH Abogada Ana Pineda
Comisión Interamericana de DDHH (CIDH)
Organismos Defensores de los derechos de la Mujer
Asociación Comité por la Libre Expresión C-LIBRE
Oficial DDHH de la ONU señor Lucas Balderas

Dr. Juan Almendares Director del CPTRT
Organismos Plataforma de Derechos Humanos
Observatorio contra la violencia UDPAZ
Centro Internacional por el Derecho y la Justicia CEJIL


Leonel Casco Gutiérrez

Procurador de los Derechos Humanos

Coordinador Observatorio Ecuménico DDHH del CLAI.

Cel. 9892-6935

Cc. Fiscal DDHH Abogada Sandra Ponce

Ministra Asesora en DDHH Abogada Ana Pineda

Comisión Interamericana de DDHH (CIDH)

Organismos Defensores de los derechos de la Mujer

Asociación Comité por la Libre Expresión C-LIBRE

Oficial DDHH de la ONU señor Lucas Balderas

Dr. Juan Almendares Director del CPTRT

Organismos Plataforma de Derechos Humanos

Observatorio contra la violencia UDPAZ

Centro Internacional por el Derecho y la Justicia CEJIL



Querido amigo:

Quiero hacer de su conocimiento los últimos hechos que me han sorprendido, referente a mi seguridad personal y porque no decirlo de otros que igual o peor tenemos problemas.

A continuación le detallo:

El día 24 de septiembre en horas de la tarde me di cuenta que se me habían suspendido mis enlaces de seguridad por orden del Inspector NAJERA, la versión que me dieron fue que en la colonia los Robles que colinda a mi colonia Las Torres, había una reunión en donde se llegaría a un acuerdo de asignar la patrulla y los policías solo para esos pobladores, por lo que de inmediato notifique al comisionado Luna el hecho y al Sr. Comisionado Mario René Chamorro, sin embargo no se me notificó nada posteriormente.

El día de hoy lunes 28 de septiembre en horas de la mañana, me encontré con la patrulla y los policías asignados a los cuales llamé, estos se alejaron sin responderme, los policías asignados a la posta de la Colonia Las Torres se detuvieron, yo les pregunté, ¿porque se alejan sin escucharme?, ¿quiero saber quienes andan en esa patrulla?, por que yo, debo saberlo.

Ellos me dijeron: "mire, esa patrulla esta asignada para dar protección solo a la colonia los Robles pues ellos la compraron y pagan para ello, si usted quiere seguridad en su colonia cómprese una patrulla o compre un vehículo y solicite dos policías para que anden con usted".

Yo les pregunté ¿desde cuándo ustedes son guardias de seguridad privada? Respondieron "bueno desde el viernes"

Estos tres días he estado escuchando algunas frases de los policías que diríamos son de las más amables, que se supone están encargados de la seguridad de los hondureños, tales como:

Las balas son pocas y las que andamos en la bolsa las compramos.
Solo corremos por nuestros familiares
Mándenos saldo si quiere que prestemos apoyo
No tenemos combustible.
Tenemos hambre
Yo resuelvo el problema usted diga cuánto
Resolvemos los casos rápido porque la gente interesada colabora.
No descansamos

¡¡¡Más que preocupada, sorprendida!! me decidí a escribir a usted, porque en el Ministerio Publico, en la Fiscalía de Derechos Humanos, obra un expediente en el cual se declaro verosímil mi declaración y fue por petición de la Fiscalía que se solicito al Ministerio de Seguridad brindarme seguridad las que fueron consensuadas por los abogados y miembros de la policía, asignando tres enlaces que serian permanentes por las veces que yo tengo que viajar a otros departamentos. En ese acuerdo versa un párrafo donde relata que solo a petición mía y ante autoridades del Ministerio Público y representantes de derechos humanos pueden ser removidos los agentes asignados a mi seguridad y por escrito.

De este convenio se entregaron 4 copias originales las cuales entregue a autoridades de organismos internacionales para darle fiel cumplimiento al mismo.

Hasta la fecha esto no se ha cumplido.

Quiero hacer también de su conocimiento que la Dirección General de Investigación Criminal, 20 días después de hacer una denuncia formal infraganti por tentativa de asalto a mi casa, se presentó con el grupo de inspecciones oculares, después de otro intento de los denunciados cuando pusieron escaleras y se subieron al segundo piso de mi vivienda, este hecho fue del conocimiento de los policías asignados a mi persona que de manera pronta me protegieron constatando los hechos, por lo que la DNIC los nombró en el expediente como mis testigos. Además de que se consigno en el libro de novedades. Este expediente esta a cargo del SR. Lenin Osorio de Delitos Comunes de la DNIC en el Core 7, siendo su jefe inmediato el Inspector de Policía Olvin paz.

Lamentablemente mi caso no camina, a pesar que se han denunciado los actos y hechos con nombres y apellidos y no por mensajitos por celular que cualquiera se puede inventar.

Es lamentable saber que la POLICIA PREVENTIVA ESTATAL, por sí sola se desestima, consignándose como guardias de seguridad privada y evidenciando el alto grado de irrespeto al uniforme que portan, así como la discriminación que prevalece tan marcada frente a los que somos pobres y no podemos ni debemos pagar " lo que tan caro le cuesta al Estado de Honduras y a la Cooperación Internacional". Es triste que además de la corrupción que impera en nuestro sistema, fachadas de concreto hagan que nuestra autoridad se olvide del lema y de la chapa que portan, quiero recordarle con esto que muchos pobres somos pobres porque ¡¡¡no robamos!!!, que en las Torres vivimos profesionales, artistas, periodistas, abogados, diputados; también ladrones y mareros. En fin si usted se sentara un día vería la gran cantidad de carros de lujo que entran y salen de ese sector.

El estigmatizar a una colonia y a su población por su grado de peligrosidad no abonará en nada a mejorar la seguridad del sector pues esta se obtiene PREVINIENDO con el respeto, es decir atacando el mal, deteniendo a los culpables y garantizándole a ricos y pobres el derecho a la seguridad.

Me GUSTARÍA SABER ¿CUÁL es el precio que tenemos que pagar los pobres?

Si todos diéramos un lempira compraríamos miles de patrullas.

¿O si el valor económico es primero que el valor social? Todas estas preguntas me confirman que los hondureños tenemos precio, esto quizás dependa de la zona en que vivimos, de la profesión, del lugar de trabajo y que será de aquellos que no tiene comida para ellos menos para un policía.

Dr. Almendares, disculpe si soy grosera en mis apreciaciones pero sé que usted es un hombre de bien que conoce a plenitud mis pasos, que me ha acompañado en los momentos más difíciles de mi vida y que me ha impulsado a seguir adelante teniendo fe en la honestidad de la cual es usted el mejor ejemplo.

Las palabras, Doctor, tienen la fuerza y el peso de quienes las pronuncian, así como el valor de los papeles como el caso de mi convenio de protección policial que tendrá el valor de las manos que los tengan en su poder, por eso recurro a usted, porque por ahora para algunos mi VIDA como la de muchos hondureños no tiene ningún valor.

Le escribo en nombre no solo mío, también por la Sra. MARIA ISABEL BARAHONA MORALES y de otros amigos, periodistas, que se ven impotentes frente a la corrupción, a la apatía y la negligencia de hacer algo y sobre todo frente a la impunidad y la falta de hacer bien las cosas.

Le ruego nuevamente interceda por mi persona ante las autoridades competentes.

Con aprecio y admiración.

Tegucigalpa, MDC 28 de septiembre de 2010.

Itsmania Pineda Platero

Presidenta de Xibalba DDHH
Miembro de la red mundial de 1000 mujeres de paz

Cc. LEONEL CASCO Procurador de DDHH del Observatorio Internacional Ecuménico de Derechos Humanos del CLAI.
Redes de Voluntarios XIBALBA

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010


T engo que hallar la forma,
E ncontrarla sin romper la norma;

A hora lo prometido es callar,
M anifestar los sentimientos sin hablar;
O lvidar este catorce de febrero,

V ivirlo sin decir “Te quiero”;
I maginar que estás a mi lado,
D esear tus besos apasionados.
A l margen han quedado escritos,

M is sentimientos de amor proscritos;
I ntentan quedar por siempre plasmados,
A nte mis ojos que lloran enamorados.


Soñando contigo soñé que soñaba
que la realidad nunca me despertaba;
y cuando de repente despierto
en mitad de una noche cerrada;
tu dulce recuerdo me embarga.

En los segundos siguientes
los nervios, perdidos, atacan;
la sangre por mis venas cabalga;
las manos tiemblan heladas;
la cabeza parece que estalla.

La mirada se queda perdida
buscando en su propia retina
la imagen borrosa de tu cara;
que apenas perfila tus mejillas
y que del sueño aún recordaba.

Un calor enorme abrasa mi pecho;
el deseo y la angustia arañan el alma;
todo parece perdido, sin derecho,
como en el árido campo de guerra
después del rugir de las armas.

Luego llega el sosiego, la esperanza lejana;
despacio se asientan la tranquilidad, la calma;
la razón, de nuevo, quiere mandar y manda;
afloran unas consoladoras y amargas lágrimas
que lavan poco a poco el dolor de la distancia.

Ayúdame amor mío en esta lucha diaria;
nunca dejes que por nada pierda la batalla
de no olvidar tu limpia y cálida mirada;
donde en aquel sueño que contigo, despierto
soñé que soñaba que un día me amabas.


Sydney Says No to Honduras CoupHome

Much shorter monthly versionsAugust update - part 1
September 7, 2010

After failing to lift suspension of Honduras from OAS on 30 July, US continues to pressure for Honduras reintegration, and sent in 3 & 4 August a high level delegation from US State Department to Honduras, headed by Mary Otero – Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, who is accused by human rights organisations to be an ex CIA agent. The July 30 meeting was cancelled not because of the report, but because of lack of agreements reached and OAS HLC not having formal mandate to be negotiating although it tried to. The report sets the framework for follow up actions by state department to impose a recipe to quickly reintegrate Hondduras. Report – whitewash – it neglects to mention that Lobo regime is illegitimate, invisibilises the HR Platform’s Truth Commission, and seeks to involve a sympathiser from the resistance on the official TC instead. Lobo is charged with concocting a national dialogue and would attempt to influence the constituent process. It sought installation of UN OHCHR office

(please see this link for an analysis of these http://www.rightsaction.org/articles/US_presses_OAS_on_Honduras_080510.html)

Evidence from August of lack of willingness by the regime to comply with even the OAS HLC’s recommendations:

•It was recommended that accusations against Zelaya be withdrawn as they are politically motivated;

•On 1/8 Mario Canahuati (foreign secretary) proposed that Zelaya be tried by a different (Honduran) tribunal other than the Supreme Court instead.

•On 2/8 Arturo Corrales insisted that the report sets the parameters for Honduras’ reintegration to OAS and imposes his mis-interpretation of the report to being that Zelaya is tried under dued processes by Honduran authorities

•On 21/8, the DPP placed new false charges against Zelaya, accusing him of having diverted 530 million lempiras donated by the Venezuelan government. Zelaya denounced the disinformation campaign, provided information about what was donated, spent, and not spent, why, and where this money was when he was deposed.
Lobbying efforts by Lobo and U.S. Embassador continue, to obtain OAS reintegration for Honduras without making sure that democracy and human rights are restored:

•At the end of July, Lobo also held a secret meeting with a friend Merino who is a FMLN leader to, in Lobo’s statement to Diario de Hoy, ‘mediate with the Honduran Resistance’ without explaining what he means by ‘mediate’.

•On 6/8 Lobo appointed Jorge A Reina as the embassador to UNASUR, a character previously considered a leftist, to ‘whitewash’ and convince UNASUR to consent to reintegration of Honduras to OAS.

•Hugo Llorens US Embassador said this appointment shows an openness to international diplomatic relations and that the international community has an obligation to (help) Honduras through normalising relations

•On 12/8/10, Choluteca Mayor – Quintin Soriano, through a letter from the head of human resources obligated council employees to attend the welcoming of US Embassador Hugo Llorens. They were threatened the suspension of 2 days pay if they don’t attend. Llorens is accused of having participated in the coup.

It is important to continue to pressure against premature reintegration of Honduras to OAS as it is a leverage for demands to end impunity and support democracy, with the president of OAS declaring his wishes for the reintegration of Honduras in an extraordinary assembly. IMF visited Honduras on 11/8 and has not yet signed an agreement. While it mentioned poverty and lack of social investment as problems, its greater concerns are fiscal sustainability and economic growth; the measures it promotes deepen inequality. For example it and IDB advocated and even pressured for the regime to not repay its massive debt to the teachers’ payroll institution Inprema (presumably because it – fulfiling educational and labour obligations – is seen as an unproductive way of using money it does not have).

There are 146 persons accused of attempting against the state – if they choose amnesty then they are accepting that they were accused legally and in due form, hiding the violation of their human rights – that they have been beaten and tortured.

On the other side, the ‘justice’ system makes sure human rights violators go unpunished. For example, only now, one year later, the human rights prosecutor ordered the armed forces to hand in the arms that killed Isis Obed Murillo, at which point they would have gotten rid of basic evidences. On 31/8/10 the Court ruled Coronel Jose Arnulfo Jimenez, charged with abuse of authority and closing medias (Channel 36, Radio Globo and Radio La Catracha), as INNOCENT, stating he simply looked after the properties and never used force to close the medias unlike what was denounced by the affected and by DPP..

Awards of coup supporters continue with the appointment of Maria del Carmen Nasser as the Embassador for Chile – she is sister of coup financing elite businessperson Fredy Nasser, and a businessperson herself.

On 1/9/10, 22 officials of the Colombian military visited the Honduran military, according to the Public Relations Office of the Air Forces of Honduras, which also said that exchanges between the 2 armed forces are frequent. In Colombia the biggest mass grave of Latin America was found recently of 2000 corpses.


August – massive repression and persecution against teachers, farmers, university workers, journalists

Summary of killings in August – details can be found under each sector

‘Teresita’ Maria Teresa Flores – la Via Campesina member, 12/8/10

Victor Manuel Mata (40), MUCA member, 17/8/10

Sergio Magdiel Amaya (18), MUCA member, 17/8/10

Rodving Omar Villegas (15), MUCA member, 17/8/10

Israel Zelaya Diaz, journalist, 25/8/10

Antonio Hernandez, teacher, ?

Santos Avila (45), Secretary General of National Campesinos Association of Honduras, 28/8/10

More human rights violations under Lobo regime

COFADEH (Committee of Families of the Detained & Disappeared, Honduras) coordinator announced that the 6 months under Lobo had 45% more human rights violations recorded than 7 months under Micheletti. The patterns are more selective, systematical and silent.

New mass grave found

COFADEH denounced on 21 August 2010 that a mass grave has been discovered containing over 100 bodies of persons assassinated in the last 3 months, proving the existance of crimes against humanity in Honduras. She confirmed that governmental repression works with organised crime.

Paramilitary groups identified

Human rights defenders and social activists have been receiving electronic messages signed by ‘CAM’ or ‘Comando Alvarez Martinez’.

COFADEH identified and located terror prisons in San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, and the resurge of paramiliary group ‘la Mano Blanca 14/-88 (white hand). La Mano Blanca first appeared in Guatemala in 1966 – torturing and assassinating students, professionals, farmers on the pretext of these being communists. It operated with clandestine support of the Guatemalan army with CIA backing according to sources including the Study and answer to Terrorism (START) and the Office of the Archbishop of Guatemala (ODHG).

COFADEH called on Lobo to dismantle the death squads in Honduras.

Attacks against journalists and media

Radio Globo journalist, Mayka Antunez, reported escalated death threats following an interview she obtained with the 2009 coup regime head Roberto Micheletti, in which she questioned him about the state of human rights, impunity, and Micheletti’s responsbility for the deaths under his regime.She received information from an army source (a friend of a relative) that if the army cannot attempt against her, they will hire someone else to, and that this is because of the interview.

On 1/8, the youth Walter Maradiaga, producer of Colon News Centre (reporting repression against farmers), was attacked with a daggar by 2 individuals where he went with a classmate on his motorbike to work. He was stabbed and is recovering in hospital.

On 4/8/10 Dr Jorge Amaya Banegas wrote a note on the Food Information & Action Network email list denouncing the brutal police repression against the unionists and UNAH university students. Minutes after his posting, he received threatening text messages from 89999999. Resistance journalist Ida Garberi replied that she received calls from the same number which only breathes when she answers.

On 5/8, Rene Rojas, director of the Free Expression Program on community radio Voice of the Occidente, and working journalist of Radio America for 15 years, was handcuffed by traffic police Espinoza in Copan and detained for 2.5 hours on the pretext of ‘prohibited parking’ when he parked in the same way as other cars. During his detention they knocked him over at the staircase. He was freed thanks to the pressure of other journalists. Persecution began 2 months ago after he denounced on radio abuse by traffic police with balaclavas arriving at local restaurants at midnight, demanding their licences and closing their businesses. He returned to broadcast the evening following his release and saw a car with tinted windows prowling around his home when he returned that night and also the next morning. He also received visits at work from an angry police delegate.

On 14/8, Brayan Flores, editor of El Libertador, was covering the teachers’ protest at INPREMA and taking photos of the militarisation and policing, when he was illegally detained – accused of being a resistance member, and of being ‘communist’ and ‘Venezuelan, he said he is a Honduran journalist doing his work. He was quickly release under the immediate pressure by other journalists – one of whom almost got arrested also protesting the arrest of Flores. Flores suffered undercover police persecution in 12/2009.

On 14/8 at 2am, Itsmania Pineda Plateros – journalist and president of Xibalba – art and culture organisation, suffered an attempt at her home. 3 persons tried to drill a hole in the wall to enter, but prevented thanks to the automatic switch on of the light surprising the invaders and alerting the home owner. Pineda Platero knows these people live near her and that one of them is a police informant. She has suffered persecution since 2006 for her human rights/journalistic work at Xibalba, rescuing youth gang members.

Another Xibalba worker, Elvira Liliana Carcama Puerto, who is also director of a TV news program on Channel 51 and is a teacher and resistance member, recently had her work equipment, documents and journalist ID confiscated by the police. She has also been assaulted with scratches on her wall and is a victim of harrassment by a Hondutel official Carlos Montoya (Hondutel telephone is headed by ex head of army), and Professor Dimas.

On 18/8/10, journalist and resistance member Jose Eduardo Coto was arrested, and accused of sedition, for trying to intervene against the arrest of comrade Jorge Alberto Alvarado, in the teachers demonstration in Choloma.

At the same demonstration on 18/8/10, Jose Alcides Alvarez, graphic reporter of a community media, had his camera and all his equipment taken off him from an order from Officer Zavala, he was then tied up using his shoelaces and taken to the police station, he has a 10 y.o. child with him who was also beaten by the police. Another graphic reporter of Tiempo Daily was beaten while trying to take photos of the beatings and violent evictions police patrols were meting out – the police used their shields to block the photographer from capturing images, and began to beat him.

Edgardo Escoto, journalist of Radio Uno (strong anti-coup station) was brutally attacked by a coup complicit journalist. He was amongst those detained on 18/8/10 at the Choloma demonstration. He has cautionary measures granted by the IACHR.

On 20/8/10, Channel 36 journalist Richard Casula and his cameraperson were beaten and assauted by the police when they were covering the violent evictions against teachers. The cameraperson was impeded from recording images of police brutality. Casula has been subeject to police aggression before.

On 25/8/10, journalist and resistance member ‘Chacatay’ Israel Zelaya Diaz was found dead with 3 gunshot wounds on the skirts of a San Pedro highway, with his wallet, journalist ID and other belongings untouched. He recently denounced in an assembly an attempt against him, unidentified persons set his home on fire but he was saved by the dog’s barking. Some years ago he suffered another attempts when unknown persons fired shots at his car. One of his sons was similarly killed.

Other journalists killed this year: 18/2 - Nicolas Asfura (42), 1/3 – Joseph Hernandez Ochoa, David Meza (51, Channel 10), 14/3 Nahum Palacios (34), Luis Mondragon (Channel 19), 26/3 – Bayardo Mirena and Manuel Juarez 11/4 – Luis Chevez Hernandez, 20/4 - Georgino Orellano. These human rights violations have been denounced by IACHR and by the Organisation of Iberoamerican Journalists.

On 27/8/10, at the massive repression against teachers in the UPN university, Radio globo journalist Carlos Paz was covering live the capture and brutal beating against several youths, when he was dragged away and captured by the police. After he was freed by the order of Police Chief Commissioner Chamorro, he was again violently captured by another police contingent who brok his tape recorder and physically assaulted him. He was released under pressure of human rights organisation CODEH and El Libertador journalist Brayan Flores.

On 27/8/10, Journalist Oswaldo Estrada and another technical staff of the radio globo also suffered police and military regression.

Also on 27/8/10, Dick Emanuelsson and Mirian Huezo were covering the protests and gas attack inside the university. Dick found Mirian inside, trying to breathe, with swollen eyes and her throat closed and burning from gases, like many more – many were vomiting and trying to breath. She fainted for a time.

On 30/8 at 9.20pm director/journalist Arnulfo Aguilar was running a program on Radio Uno (San Pedro Sula) about the teachers strikes and the signed pact, when the station suddenly went off air – the cables were cut off. Days before this their security guards received threats and resigned. Aguilar also received repeated threats as he continues to denounce the military coup and human rights violations.

There is a discrediting campaign towards deportation of naturalised journalists and resistance participants who orginate from other countries, against Dick Emanuelsson and ‘Emo’. El Heraldo, La Tribuna and Human Rights Commissioner Ramon Custodio head this campaign.

In El Heraldo, it was published that Ramon Custodio is investigating nationality, professional status, visa and identity of a foreigner, and that this foreigner (this is untrue ) participated in a brutal beating and near murder against La Tribuna and Micheletti’s photographer Amilcar Luque. In addition to false accusations and deportation threats, Dick and his spouse Mirian Huezo (Honduran photographer) have also reported death threats. Dick Emmanuelsson has previously exiled from Colombia where he worked as a journalist. He reports for ‘Aurora Boreal’, has for many years been a member of the Latin American Federation of Journalists and is firmly committed with the popular causes and in denouncing human rights violations in Latin America, and was a metal worker in his youth.

On 24/8, El Heraldo published ‘They will deport foreigners that go on the marches’ and on 5/8 It also published an article with a photo of a barrel lit with fire, with the caption ‘The anarchistic acts of yesterday were led by an Indian citizen that lives in the country’. The article said several foreigners have been identified by the regime and there are plans to deport these, and amongst these is ‘Emo’. ‘Emo’ Mahadeo Roopchano Sadloo Sadloo was born in Suriname and lived for 35 years in Honduras and is married with 2 children to a Honduran. A tyres vendor, he was accused in the media of leading resistance acts with the UNAH university.

Attack against collectors of sovereign declarations

The army detained Choluteca resistance leaders for a while – they took boxes from their car of sovereign declarations and made photocopies of some of these.

Attacks against farmers and land rights activists

On 1/8/10, family members of Denis Ramos, who continued to be detained, reported that they were being followed by 2 vehicles for a long stretch after they visited him. They reported seeing their followers talking with State Investigative agents before starting to follow these.

On 2/8/10, MUCA members Salvador Flores Aguilar (18), and Olvin Alexander Rivas were going to buy groceries at a corner shop when they were detained by police, accused of illegal possession of arms and illicit association

On 4/8/10, the youth Juan Ramon Chinchilla was detained for 21 hours. He is on the Executive Committee of FNRP, and a MUCA member. He was driving home after a funeral when he was arrested on the pretext of not using a seat belt and not respecting authority. The witness lawyer Zamora testified that he saw the Tocoa police

subcomissioner order the youths to pose without shirts with weapons in their hands for a photo during the detention in the police station, and that when Zamora tried to intervene advising that it was illegal he was ignored.

On 12/8/10, the putrified body of ‘Teresita’ Maria Teresa Flores (52), was found with gunshots and signs of torture including machete wounds. She was last contactable on 7/8/10 at 6am when a comrade spoke with her on telephone and she said she was in Siguatepeque waiting for a bus home. She was the leader of several campesino organisations including La Via Campesina, OCH, and COCOCH, and a mother of 14 children, who the year before lost 15 family members in a car accident. Her body was taken to the morgue which did not allow viewings because of the state of decomposition.

On 17/8/10, 3 MUCA members Victor Manuel Mata (40), Sergio Magdiel Amaya (18) and Rodving Omar Villegas (15) were riddled with bullets with heavy calibre arms when they were driving towards the Paso Aguan community, according to witnesses. It is presumed that they were killed by the private security services of Mr Miguel Facusse based on the type of arm used (AR-15 and AK-47 bullets were found). Other testimonies say the killers belong to the police. On the weekend Victor Manuel Mata participated in a workshop organised by 2 organisations of the Honduran Human Rights Platform which are also on an interinstitutional comission (together with govt rep Ana Pineda, human rights minister) to monitor compliance of the signed agrarian agreements by the campesinos and the government. Just metres from the crime scene a military checkpoint was installed seaching and checking everyone against the wanted list.

On 22/8, a police, military and investigative agents contingent was present from early in the morning at Puerto Grande in support of 30 armed persons working for businessman Facusse. The land belongs to 160 families who have lived their and grown corn on it for over 100 years and bravely defend their land and livelihood (under decree 18-2008 it is their right to remain on the land), but Facusse is claiming the land, falsifying paperwork, and illegally offers this land to other landless villagers and armed these. The armed group (some of whom are relatives of the community members) attacked villagers throwing stones at these, while the officers watched passively. At least 4 were wounded. Ethel Veronica Corea Posadas (28) was hospitalised with head injury and unstopped bleeding, requiring 14 stitches. Rosa Merari Alvarado and Alma Veronica Canales were both savagely beaten and threatened of being raped in front of their children and of being killed after. Gustavo Eduardo Sanchez (20) was brutally beaten, Miguel Angel Vasquez (20), Edwin Aguilar and Veronica Torres were all threatened in front of officers who did nothing. Facusse announced on 15/8 that he will donate this disputed land to build a college in Puerto Grande, as a tactic to cause conflict to appropriate the land. Facusse’s armed staff also arrived to the community on this date, but they were asked to leave by the community.

On 28/8, at 9pm, Santos Avila (45) was shot in the head and killed instantly outside his home when he came home with his 14 year old son from visiting his 5 y.o. son who was undergoing treatment for dengue fever in hospital. His 14 y.o. went to open the garage door but it was tied shut by the hitmen, so Santos hopped off to open the door and was shot by the sniper waiting for him. He is a resistance coordinator and Francisco Morazan Secretary General of the National Association of Campesinos of Honduras, has been part of the campesino struggle for 17 years, and has worked for the UD party. He is the single father of 3 children (5, 10, 14) as the mother left Honduras some years ago. He is the 11th campesino killed by the coup regime.


Major crisis in Honduras: indefinite teachers strike since 5/8/10, massive daily marches, and teachers’ occupation of Inprema – an institution of the teachers which manages teachers’ funds

August 2010 – the teachers’ massive actions and why

With major crises of attacks against teachers’ rights and the public education system, organised teachers have undertaken a series of actions. A number of teachers and others in solidarity occupied ‘Inprema’ from 4 August 2010. Inprema is a financial institution of teachers which receives and manages state funds, payments and deductions from teachers’ pays, manages loans, etc. Amongst the major problems is that the state not only has not been making the required contributions, but it has also deducted teachers’ pays illegally, not transferring to the pensions funds but stealing these for other uses (eg military repression). The state and officials have stolen over 3600million lempiras (US $159million) from the teachers’ funds. Because of this, over 3000 teachers have not received their salary all year, and retiring teachers fear that they will not receive their entitlements. Other demands include for an increase in the minimum wage, to which teachers’ wages are indexed, for attacks to abolish the teachers’ statute (award) to cease, against pushes to privatise education, for the dismissal of Education Minister Ventura, and reintegration of area directors illegally dismissed who were replaced with National Party activists. Teachers have also been on an indefinite teachers’ strike since 5 August 2010, and have been protesting on the streets daily (20,000 in Tegucigalpa on 5 August 2010, over 200,000 on 18 August 2010) accompanied by other union movements (which also announce they will soon undertake a general strike to demand an increase of the minimal wage) from 11 August 2010 and the resistance from the beginning.

Massive actions continue despite massive repression

6 August 2010

•Inprema, where some teachers are occupying, was closed in by 100s of police, barricades and fences, closing off some streets (comparisons were made to when president Zelaya was inside Brazilian Embassy for 4 months). Police carrying gas masks threatened to come in every 10 minutes saying if teachers don’t leave they will be violently evicted.
Death threat

•Wilfredo Paz, a leader in the teachers union movement, who denounced that since the coup he has been subject to death threats, including recent ones from Mr Magdiel Lopez and Arnaldo Mejia – collaborators of the coup. Hitmen are watching around his home and he is constantly followed by vehicles.

•There were reports that Antonio Hernandez, a teacher of Ocotepeque, was assassinated, no further information available to date.
18 August 2010 (Choloma/San Pedro Sula)

•Plain clothes police fired live shots at protesters from a car, wounding 4 people.
•Security forces carried masks, shields, helmets, sticks, bulletproof vests, 9mm pistols and gas guns
•30 were illegally detained and dozens were beaten by uniformed officers
•Amongst those illegally detained was Ruy Diaz, teacher and resistance member, who was ambushed after he yelled ‘the people united, will never be defeated’, detained and beaten with his companion Giovanni Matute and the two were beaten and tortured brutally – he almost fainted when an agent stepped on his neck almost to the point of suffocation. In the police patrol vehicle the police tried to go really fast and make him fall out and die and make it look like an accident, but another police made these stop. After the ordeal he was taken back to the Texaco petrol station where he was taken, very injured.
•5 of the illegally detained are judicially persecuted and accused of sedition: Juan Carlos Aguilar, Jose Eduardo Coto (journalist and resistance member, arrested for trying to kntervene against arrest of Alvarado), Jorge Alberto Alvarado, Roberto Lobo Echeverria and Didier Alexander Carias – Didier was launched over the bridge by the police before his arrest and hospitalisation under police custody.
•Amongst the illegally detained was 3.5 years old Gema Valeria Manzanares together with her father – her father has a shop there and a teargas bomb went into his shop and he ran out with her in his arms (she has asthma) and the police grabbed them.
•A pick up truck was seen following the march with 2 police with their faces covered with balaclavas, dressed in black with heavy arms and vests that said ‘police’
20 August 2010 (Tegucigalpa)

•When the protest was at Miraflores, the Miraflores shopping complex was violently evicted, affecting including many people who were not participating in demonstrations. Teargas bombs were launched inside the Miraflores shopping complex. People running out included employees and shoppers. Food and chairs were knocked about everywhere. Victims included employees and women with babies whose lives were threatened and many fainted. Many people were beaten with sticks by police.
•When some protesters moved to the National Pedagogical University these were chased by the police and this was also attacked by tear gas bombs by police motorcyclists, affecting including striking teachers, students in classes and people in neighbouring homes. 18 teachers were arrested (including Luis Sosa, Andres Martinez, Carlos Anariba, Edgar Soriano and Luis Figueroa, who will be judicially persecuted). During Luis Sosa’s detention, he was beaten by sticks, kicked, insulted, threatened to be hung – all five were similarly beaten and given death threats, and their hospitalisation under police custody was delayed. They were released on cautionary measures on 22/8. 2 children were hospitalised from the gases, and one teacher’s wound was from a teargas bomb hitting his head. The police motorcyclists returned in a second round firing shots at the pavement to intimidate; teachers collected the bullets as evidence.
•The police also threw teargas bombs inside the Inprema (where teachers occupy), inside passing buses and even private vehicles.
•COFADH (human rights organisation) advocated for the captured victims at the police stations but the police refused to reveal where the teachers are detained
22 August 2010 (Tegucigalpa)

•Teachers Elmer Rolando Romero and Rogel Alexander Sanchez who were in front of Inprema were detained at 4.30pm and freed at 6pm. At which point they returned to Inprema to occupy Inprema, where the electricity and water had been cut off.
24 August 2010

•Demonstrations of teachers and their supporters returning to the Pedagogical National University after marching to near the Presidential House were attacked by soldiers in a helicopter with pepper gas. There was also pepper gas shot from the Hondutel (telcom) building, which is now headed by ex head of army and main executor of the coup Romeo Vasquez Velasquez.
25 August 2010

•Helicopters launched gas bombs at the ‘tail’ of the teachers’ march
•Lobo’s adminstration threatened to decree a state of siege – this threat was denied later with Lobo publicly stating he did not authorise the officials’ statements.
26 August 2010

•With another breakdown of negotiations, thousands marched from National Pedagogical University to the Presidential House and met with repression again. Some teachers led by Luis Sosa carried sticks to defend themselves from further police beatings
•Soldiers in antiriot gear threw many teargas bombs and stones at protesters
•Soldiers were shooting M-16 live shots indiscriminately at teachers (captured and broadcasted on TV).
•Another officer shot from his pistol towards the protesters, and police on motorbikes chased after and throwing teargas bombs at these as they ran off in different directions.
•At least 7 teachers were wounded. Hospital Escuela did not want to attend to these, asking them where they came from first. Angel Hipolito for example was urgently removed and taken to a private medical centre because although he fainted in the hospital’s emergenc department, he was not attended to
•Medical negligence against repression victims was also reported at the Emergency of Social Security Hospital of Comayaguela
•Doctors say 3 teachers are in critical states and some have disappeared
27 August 2010

•The city was militarised with 100s of police, military, and at least 2 tanks
•When the negotiations broke down again with the negotiator Corrales trying to force the leaders to sign the agreement before meeting with Lobo and impose processes involving smaller numbers of representatives on the teachers side in attempt to impede these from transparency and checking with their bases, an emergency assembly of teachers marched to the Presidential House. 2 protesters beat against the shields of the military with sticks, and made these to recede towards close to the entrance of the government house but the police then threw teargas and pepper gas bombs against the protesters and the soldiers shot their fire guns ‘against the protest’ with at least 3 injured by gunshots. Some responded to the chemical attack of the soldiers by throwing stones. 7 hospitalised.
•At midday as teachers were marching and returning to their base (especially for teachers who came from other cities) at the Pedagogical university police began to evict teachers under the Miraflores bridge using gases. 7 youths were beaten there.
•The security forces turned the university into a concentration camp and gas chambers as they surrounded the university and inundated the university with gases; they entered and launched 200-300 tear/pepper gas bombs inside and around the campus, searching for, chasing after and aiming the bomb tins at people’s bodies. Those who tried to leave the campuses were detained by security forces who blocked the entrances.
•Police and military beat the faces, heads and backs of protesters and to others who got off buses and taxis near the university, and people running out suffocating from gases.
•At least dozens were detained, some held in the masses directly outside, in the parking lot near the Presidential House (for 3 hours, teachers Dagoberto Espinal, Jose Maria Andino and German de Jesus Maldonado), others mounted onto police patrols and taken to including illegal detention facilities where detainees were washed to get rid of the evidence and had their stained and torn clothes changed including at Core-7 (passing youth – Randal Pineda)
•Unidentified persons in the vehicle with numberplate PPJ9117 shot live shots against teachers, the car is identified to be property of National Congress – it was around the day before checking out the area. Security forces gave way to these and allowed them to leave. Everyone reacted as if nothing happened– this was filmed by Globo TV. The same repeated at 4pm.
•17 teachers were left on the 5th floor of the university building, suffering from hasses for which they urgently called Red Cross and Fire Ambulances for help
•Red Cross spokesperson Domingo Flores said they went to the university to attend to the victims’ calls, but were denied entry by the police and army in violation of the Geneva Convention of 1951 of International Humanitarian Law
•Some examples of attacks: 12 years old Jesy Reyes was gravely intoxicated by gases. 7 years old Arnaldo Javier, whose mother is a street vender, was beaten, intoxicated and taken to emergency of a church medical delegation. Roberto Lopez (45) defended himself with only a stick, was being shot at by a soldier, beaten, handcuffed and taken to the police station. He fainted in another previous protest from the gases. Teacher and CODEH human rights defender Agripino Salgado was detained.
•Lecturers were removed from classrooms and taken bo a nearby gully where they were abused and tortured
•Women and children took refuge in the gas inundated toilets but teachers took them out to save them
•Small business people and street venders had their stalls destroyed.
•TIGO telephone signals were blocked
•Protesters were photographed by repressive forces
•It was reported that the repression was directed by Sub General Chief of Police Rene Maradiaga Panchame, who is accused by human rights organisations of being part of the 3-16 battalion/deathsquad which disappeared around 100 Hondurans in the 80s
•4 Red Cross ambulances were around before the repression started. This meant they were told before hand and did not warn the teachers. One year ago Red Cross ambulances were also mentioned to have helped transport teargas bombs for the police on one occasion. These are international crimes.
•Teargas bombs used were imported from US and Peru, at about US$80-130 each (around half of a month’s minimal wage in Honduras).
•National Congress president Orlando Hernandez asked for forgiveness for the congress employee who circulated in the surroundings of the Pedagogical university and fired shots. Hernandez said they will take actions and dismiss this person.
Some You-Tubes of this repression in Spanish:

Pepe Lobo turns the Pedagogical University into a gas chamber!
The victims to the gas war of the Honduran police give their testimonies
30 August 2010

•At least 4000 concentrated and mobilised in Tegucigalpa, holding 18 assemblies
•4 teachers leaders were detained
A pact was finally signed with 26 points between Lobo and the teachers on the night of 30 August. Teachers declared that they have formed monitoring teams and will be ensuring all of the points are complied with. Some of the points:

•Independent and international audit of Inprema backdated to 2000, and revision of regulations about positions, appointment and salary of Inprema staff, eliminating employment to this based on political affinities
•Take measures to make Inprema transparent, including by making financial information of revenue and spending available on internet
•A debt repayment plan from the Lobo regime to Inprema. An immediate cash payment of 959.6 million lempiras (of illegally retained contributions from teachers towards their retirement pensions), 69.8 million lempiras (of illegally retained union fees), and 211.8 million lempiras (in illegally held loan repayments from teachers), and 3500 million lempiras in bond to be paid back within 5 years at 3.9% interest rate plus adjustments to compensate any depreciation of the lempira to the dollar
•That the draft bill of General Law of Education (privatisation plan) would be withdrawn at the congress if it appears without consensus of the teachers’ associations
•The regime agreed to respect the Teachers’ Statute and ensure teachers are paid and backpaid according to their entitlements
•A biparty commission to be formed, to investigate the appointments of directors, area directors and district directors
The agreement does not necessary mean a safeguard for teachers’ rights and of public education as the regime does not have a good record for keeping to agreements and pressure from the private sector and international funds continue.

Some of the proposals that sprung up during and to take advantage of the crisis:

•To reduce the state’s obligation to provide education only to 15 years of age (currently 18), also changing the adult age to 15 for judicial prosecution purposes
•Businessman Adolfo Facusse, president of the National Association of Industries (ANDI) stated that it is better to close the (public) schools), since they ‘don’t give any benefits to the Honduran people’. He said it makes no sense to have public schools because private schools are better and that the poor should go to private schools too
Posted by RW

August update - Part 2
September 7, 2010
Repression and hunger strike at UNAH university
The hunger strike of 3 people on only has continued water and honey has continued for prolonged periods, demanding reintegration of more than a hundred illegally dismissed workers. Despite a pact prepared by the Human Rights Minister Pineda and the Work Secretary on 11/7/10, the university Director Julieta Castellanos refuses to sign (even when her spokesperson Navarro said they would sign) and continues her delay tactics putting the lives of h...

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For shorter version of monthly update, sign up to receive emails
August 7, 2010
Email: latinamerica.emergency@gmail.com to be added on email list. Thanks!
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July Update Part 1
August 7, 2010
State of impunity and human rights violations continue, but several Central American presidents violated its own bylaws to reintegrate Honduras without consensus to Central American Integration System, US lobbied and pressured for return of Honduras to the Organisation of American States (OAS) at a meeting called for on 30 July 2010 – cancelled

There are signs that even a portion of coup supporters want ex-president Zelaya’s return; the Liberal Party’s leadership sent a delegation...

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July update, part 2
August 7, 2010
Others, in the context of the coup: economic attacks on the poor majority, impunity in multinationals ruining the environment and exploiting workers, and update on U.S. military bases in Hondruas

Remembering that the primary struggle for the Resistance is the National Constituent Assembly, and that it was on a day when an official survey towards propelling this was scheduled that the military coup took place, that Honduras is the 2nd poorest Latin American nation, that profound inequalities ex...

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June update - 12 mths later the coup and HR violations continue
July 6, 2010
Assassinations, repression, persecution by police, on the 12th month of the military coup – impunity continues, where is the justice?

Resistance member whose partner was assassinated was captured and tortured by police

At about 7pm on 30/6 a police patrol under Official Vargas (including officers he’s denounced of killing another) captured Edwin Espinal under the charges of not carrying his drivers licence, when he resisted the arbitrary arrest his face was sprayed with teargas and...

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What should be the conditions for Honduras return to international community?
July 6, 2010
Some points of a suggested (by a resistance leader) minimal reconciliation plan Lobo could follow

1) quickly convoke a Popular constituent assembly

2) immediate dismissal of those who conspired and plotted the military coup who are now sitting in high public official positions in strategic institutions of the state

3) dismantle all the repressive structures installed during the military coup regime which had facilitated the assassinations of Hondurans in resistance

4) submit all who plott...

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Part 1 May Update - crisis escalates with 5 hunger strikes
June 11, 2010
Nothing ‘normal’: Honduras in crisis with 5 simultaneous hunger strikes in May: university staff, judges, teachers, parents and campesinos.

Hunger strike 1: University Staff and its union SITRAUNAH

Context: SITRAUNAH has been struggling for a collective contract for UNAH (National Autonomous University of Honduras) staff this year, but UNAH director Julieta Castellanos responded by dismissing SITRAUNAH president Marco Moreno (using false accusations of violence against a student), and s...

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May Update Part 2 - killings, persecution, truth comissions, current state, pressure
June 11, 2010
Some of the killings and more persecution this month

On 8/5/10, 8.30am Adalberto Figueroa went to look for firewood near his home with his 11 year old son and a cousin, when he was ambushed by people in balaclavas who killed him with several gunshots. Adalberto was a remarkable leader with a strong sense of solidarity and commitment to the social causes. He was a directive member of Olancho Environmental Movement (MAO), coordinator of the environmental movement of Guata, alderman of the muni...

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April update: 2 more journalists + 2 more campesinos killed, militarisation of farmers' land
May 8, 2010
Opening of ‘Truth Commission’ is used to justify normalising relations while journalists continue to be killed, massacre alerts and death threats continue, farmers’ lands are militarised, and budget for soldiers and police who repress and kill are increased, and those responsible for the coup are awarded strategic government positions

Reporters Without Borders has just placed Honduras as the most dangerous country for journalistfollowing 5 murdered journalists in March and another...

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Older posts » About Us

Hi! We are two people compiling and forwarding info to this website. Santiago Reyes is a Honduran Australian who is very actively involved and connected to the movement. Rosie Wong went to Honduras as a human rights observer (and helper for the organizers of an international fast) 1-26 September 2009.